I'm using CC.NET on Windwos 2003 Server, together with MsBuild, NUnit, TypeMock and NCover.
After installing the new NCover 2.0.1 all projects that uses NCover are broken showing the message: "TypeMock.TypeMockException : *** TypeMock.NET is not enabled, to enable do one of the following: ...."
I always had problems running NCover and TypeMock together, but somehow after reading all the hints releated to that subject I could fix the it. (Sorry, but I could never reproduce what fixed the problem at the end). However I could never make it work using the example from the TypeMock-Documentation (<TypeMockStart> and <TypeMockStop>). Following snippet shows how I call NCover and TypeMock. It worked with NCover 1.5.8 but now it causes the problem mentioned above:
<Target Name="RunTestsWithTypeMock" DependsOnTargets="MakeDirectories;Build;CreateNUnitCmdLineArgs">
<Exec Command=""$(TypeMockRunnerTool)" -first -link NCover "$(NCoverToolPath)
cover.console.exe" //a "@(CoverageAssemblies->'%(Identity)',';')" //x "$(NCoverResultFile)" "$(NUnitToolPath)
unit-console.exe" $(NUnitCmdLineArgs)"
-Is there a problem with that?
-Why would it work with NCover 1.5.8 but with NCover 2.0.1 not?
-Could Linking/Unlinking in the TypeMockConfiguration influence anything? If yes, should I unlink NCover if using the snippet above?
Thanks for any ideas