Sven hi,
I get the feeling that you are not using TypMock as a mocking tool for running Uni-tests, but instead you use TypeMock as a stubbing tool (replace parts of your system which are not ready). Is this correct?
In anycase what you can try is the following:
1) Activate TypeMock continously by setting the following in your server environment:
this activate mocking for all .net which is running on the machine and should catch your ASP code as well.
2) Force a restart of IIS in order for aspnet_wp.exe to picks up these new values
3) run your application
However, depending on your exact implementation, using TypeMock this way will make everything go slower so expect some delays in the loading time.
I hope this will enable you to run the demo,
if possible keep me posted how it went, or if it still doesnt work