First of all - just want to say TypeMock is great, and it is really helping our testing.
We have CCNet running on a 64-bit Windows 2003 server.
Running tmockrunner mbunit.cons.exe works like a charm
Then I wanted to add coverage analysis to the build - I installed NCover, and pressed the "link to profiler" thing for typemock configuration.
When I run NCover.console tmockrunner -link NCover -first MBUnit.Cons,
everything _seems_ to be working, but it turns out that mocking is not enabled. All our tests that use mocking get the "Enable mocking by run mocking_on.bat... message"
We are running the latest version of typemock, i believe it is the 32-bit version, it is installed in c:program files (x86)
The log from NCover is attached below. One thing that caught my eye was the "
This is the NCover.Settings file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ProfilerSettings xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<CommandLineArgs>-link NCover -first "C:Program Files (x86)MbUnitMbUnit.Cons.exe" "Mercatus.Common.Modules.OlapViewer.Test.dll" "Mercatus.Common.Test.dll" "Mercatus.Gilde.Common.Test.dll" "Mercatus.Gilde.SlaughterAnalysis.ReportViewer.Test.dll" "Mercatus.Gilde.Communication.Test.exe" "Mercatus.Gilde.SlaughterAnalysis.HarvestPicker.Test.exe" "Mercatus.Gilde.SlaughterAnalysis.ReportTypePicker.Test.exe" /fc:UnitTest /rt:Html /rf:"C:FinalBuilderGildeMainlineWorkingFolderUnitTestLogs" /rnf:CoverageMbunitLogUnitTest</CommandLineArgs>
<CommandLineExe>C:Program Files (x86)TypeMockTypeMock.NETTMockRunner.exe</CommandLineExe>
This is the log from NCover:
EVENT: Log link established.
EVENT: Communications link established.
MESSAGE: Ready for command input.
EVENT: Verbose Logging Disabled
EVENT: Logging Enabled
EVENT: AutoExclusion Enabled
MESSAGE: Monitoring Assemblies: Mercatus.Common;Mercatus.Common.Modules.OlapViewer;Mercatus.Common.Modules.OlapViewer.Test;Mercatus.Common.Test;Mercatus.Gilde.Common;Mercatus.Gilde.Common.Test;Mercatus.Gilde.Communication.Common;Mercatus.Gilde.Communication;Mercatus.Gilde.Communication.ServiceRequests;Mercatus.Gilde.ProducerGroup.ProducerFilter;Mercatus.Gilde.ProducerGroup.ProducerPicker;Mercatus.Gilde.SlaughterAnalysis.HarvestPicker;Mercatus.Gilde.SlaughterAnalysis.ReportTypePicker;Mercatus.Gilde.SlaughterAnalysis.ReportViewer;Mercatus.Gilde.SlaughterAnalysis.ReportViewer.Test;Mercatus.Gilde.SlaugtherAnalysis.Common;
MESSAGE: Excluding Types and Methods with these Attributes: (No Exclusions Specified)
MESSAGE: Received driver ready event.
MESSAGE: v1.1.4322
EVENT: Profiler Initialize
**ERROR(0x80131701)** Failed to get proc address for GetAssemblyIdentityInfoFromFile.
**ERROR(0x80131701)** Failed to get proc address for GetIdentityAuthority.
MESSAGE: Module Load ---- Thread: 0x00000f90; Module ID: 0x79b7a000
**ERROR(0x80131351)** GetModuleInfo failed.
MESSAGE: Module [0x79b7a000] attached To assembly [0x002e3ff0]
MESSAGE: Assembly Load ---- Thread: 0x00000f90; Assembly ID: 0x002e3ff0
EVENT: Loaded Assembly [mscorlib][0x002e3ff0]
MESSAGE: Assembly Load Complete ---- Assembly ID: 0x002e3ff0
MESSAGE: Module Load ---- Thread: 0x00000f90; Module ID: 0x00306968
**ERROR(0x80131351)** GetModuleInfo failed.
MESSAGE: Module [0x00306968] attached To assembly [0x00306650]
MESSAGE: Assembly Load ---- Thread: 0x00000f90; Assembly ID: 0x00306650
EVENT: Loaded Assembly [TMockRunner][0x00306650]
MESSAGE: Assembly Load Complete ---- Assembly ID: 0x00306650
MESSAGE: Module Load ---- Thread: 0x00000f90; Module ID: 0x7b2f60a0
**ERROR(0x80131351)** GetModuleInfo failed.
MESSAGE: Module [0x7b2f60a0] attached To assembly [0x003594c8]
MESSAGE: Assembly Load ---- Thread: 0x00000f90; Assembly ID: 0x003594c8
EVENT: Loaded Assembly [System][0x003594c8]
MESSAGE: Assembly Load Complete ---- Assembly ID: 0x003594c8
MESSAGE: Module Load ---- Thread: 0x00000f90; Module ID: 0x00311568
**ERROR(0x80131351)** GetModuleInfo failed.
MESSAGE: Module [0x00311568] attached To assembly [0x0032a0e8]
MESSAGE: Assembly Load ---- Thread: 0x00000f90; Assembly ID: 0x0032a0e8
EVENT: Loaded Assembly [Configuration][0x0032a0e8]
MESSAGE: Assembly Load Complete ---- Assembly ID: 0x0032a0e8
MESSAGE: Module Load ---- Thread: 0x00000f90; Module ID: 0x00339bc8
**ERROR(0x80131351)** GetModuleInfo failed.
MESSAGE: Module [0x00339bc8] attached To assembly [0x00339980]
MESSAGE: Assembly Load ---- Thread: 0x00000f90; Assembly ID: 0x00339980
EVENT: Loaded Assembly [TypeMock][0x00339980]
MESSAGE: Assembly Load Complete ---- Assembly ID: 0x00339980
MESSAGE: Module Load ---- Thread: 0x00000f90; Module ID: 0x7beb8000
**ERROR(0x80131351)** GetModuleInfo failed.
MESSAGE: Module [0x7beb8000] attached To assembly [0x0033c760]
MESSAGE: Assembly Load ---- Thread: 0x00000f90; Assembly ID: 0x0033c760
EVENT: Loaded Assembly [System.Xml][0x0033c760]
MESSAGE: Assembly Load Complete ---- Assembly ID: 0x0033c760
MESSAGE: Module Load ---- Thread: 0x00000f90; Module ID: 0x00357e10
**ERROR(0x80131351)** GetModuleInfo failed.
MESSAGE: Module [0x00357e10] attached To a