Hi, really wiered behavior! I try running tests from within VS by using the TestDriven.NET and rightcliking on the namespace in the source code file and selecting Test With...->In-Proc, or Test With...->Coverage and i get the mighty error message: ".*** You are running a 64 bit application with TypeMock.NET 32 bit.
Please install TypeMock.NET x64.
Note: .NET 2.0 applications will by default run on 64 bit".
However, if i select from the right-click menu Run Test(s), which launches the TestDriven.NET server, the test are running just fine.
If I eventually try to install the 64 bit version, i get the message that the processor is incompitable, which is rather logical, since i run a P4 CPU.
I depend enormously on the code coverage in my code, and I presume i am not the only one, so please take a look at this issue and let me know if there is a roundabout or a quick fix.
Thank you in advance