:arrow: Basiclly the steps are as follows:
1. Open the TypeMock.NET Configuration, License Tab
2. Enter the demo license you recived after registring
3. Check the 'Demo License' box
4. In the Profilers Tab you should see NCover.
:arrow: If you don't see NCover then do the following:
5. Exit TypeMock.NET Configuration
6. Browse to the installation directory (Program FilesTypeMock.NETTypeMock.NET)
7. Edit
typemockconfig.xml, browse to the end of the file just before:
8. Add the following lines
<Profiler Name="NCover1.3" Clsid="{4BD66EB5-1F60-4bbd-8820-5E13080D49BE}" DirectLaunch="false">
<EnvironmentList />
9. Restart TypeMock.NET Configuration
:arrow: If this still doesn't work
10. Start->Run->regedit.exe
11. Find
12. Open the CLSID and copy the default value to the Clsid attribute in typemockconfig.xml
13. Restart TypeMock.NET Configuration
I hope this helps