In order to profile tests, which are using TypeMock Isolator, with dotTrace 2016.1 I need to link the dotTrace with Isolator in the Isolator's configuration window.
Unfortunatelly, wjhen I check "Show only available profilers" in the config window the drop-down list with profilers becomes empty and shows only "-None-" element.
When I uncheck the checkbox, and choose "dotTrace 4.5 (and later versions)" the button "Link with Typemock Isolator" remains disabled.
I have found dotTrace documentation about integration with isolator: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/profiler/2016.1/Profiling_Guidelines__Transparent_Integration.html
In the bottom it refers to registry keys which have to be initialized (in my case they are either empty or don't exist).
Can you please tell how do I need to tweak my registry in order to link dotTrace with Isolator?
Thank you in advance.
P.S. here is my ticket about the same issue for dotTrace http://dotnettools-support.jetbrains.com/hc/requests/724439