Hi guys,
Me is just trying to debug a NUnit test from within the smartrunner but it just crashed with the error:
Error: TestRunner process crashed too fast, pausing runner. error code:FFFFFFFF
Debugger service failed to attach to process.
Debugger attach process failure:
Typemock.Common.Core.Exceptions.ScenarioDebuggingException: Armadillo failed to start scenario debugging.
at Typemock.VSCommon.Debugging.ScenariosDebugger.AttachProcess()
at Typemock.VSCommon.Debugging.ScenariosDebugger.<DebugScenario>b__c()
at Typemock.Common.Core.ActionRunner.RunActionAndLogErrors(Action action, String errorText, Action onCatch)
I tried to add the necessary information required:
- Visual Studio logfile
- DebugRunner out file
- TypeMockWeaver dmp file (not sure if necessary or even important for this case)