Can you please post here more data?
How do you create _viewModel?
Is it a live instance or you create it with Isolate.Fake.Instance<>()?
this is the line for creating _viewModel:
_viewModel = Isolate.Fake.Instance<BaseCollectionViewModel<EntityImplement>>(Members.CallOriginal, ConstructorWillBe.Ignored);
It looks like _viewModel is a field in the test class. If you change it to be a local variable of the test, do you still get the same error?
I got the same error when changing PrepareCollectionToAdd to static method and use it like static one.
Do you have the stack trace? Please post the full stack trace if you have it.
t.a(Type A_0, Int32 A_1, Type[] A_2, Type[] A_3)
t.a(IList`1 A_0, Type[] A_1, Type[] A_2)
t.a(Object A_0, MethodBase A_1, Object[] A_2)
t.a(MethodBase A_0, Object A_1, Type A_2, Object[] A_3, Object A_4)
t.a(MethodBase A_0, Object A_1, Object[] A_2, Object A_3)
gm.a(Object A_0, String A_1, String A_2, MethodBase A_3, Object[] A_4, Object A_5)
AM6.DDServer.Client.Common.BaseTypes.BaseCollectionViewModel`2.PrepareCollectionToAdd(List`1 changedUids, List`1 sourceCollectionUids, List`1 newInstances) in C:WorkAm6SourceMainDDServerClientDDS.AM6.DDServer.Client.GUIDDS.AM6.DDServer.Client.CommonBaseTypesBaseCollectionViewModel.cs: line 368
AM6.DDServer.Client.Test.Common.BaseTypes.BaseCollectionViewModelTest.<RefreshCollection_DefaultCase_PrepareCollectionToAddWasCalled>b__26() in C:WorkAm6SourceMainAmadeus6AM6.DDServer.Client.Test.CommonBaseTypesBaseCollectionViewModelTest.cs: line 300
TypeMock.MockManager.a(String A_0, String A_1, Object A_2, Object A_3, Boolean A_4, Boolean A_5, Object[] A_6)
TypeMock.InternalMockManager.getReturn(Object that, String typeName, String methodName, Object methodParameters, Boolean isInjected, Boolean isInterceptedType)
AM6.DDServer.Client.Test.Common.BaseTypes.BaseCollectionViewModelTest.RefreshCollection_DefaultCase_PrepareCollectionToAddWasCalled() in C:WorkAm6SourceMainAmadeus6AM6.DDServer.Client.Test.CommonBaseTypesBaseCollectionViewModelTest.cs: line 298
What is TEntity? Is it a generic parameter or a class?
It'sgeneric parameter.
I'll be glad if you can help me with remote or something like this.