You have two options to create a mini dump:
Option one: Use adplus.vbs from debugging tools for windows package to create the dump:
Download the package from here:
http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/ ... 6.mspx#EHD
I suggest you choose version this is not the latest version but the download size is smaller. Also you if the crashing process is 64 bit download the x64 version else download the x86 of course :)
after the installation run the ADOlus.vbs script from the command line
<DebuggingToolsInstallationFolder>ADPlus -hang -pn CrashingProcesName.exe
This will create a folder in the Debugging tools installation folder with name in the form Hang_Mode__Date_xx-xx-2010__Time_xx-xx-xxx
Inside the folder you can find the dump file.
The other option is to change your system default postmortem debugger to Dr. Watson. See the details here:
look at the section that starts with:
"To change the postmortem debugger back to Dr. Watson, run drwtsn32 -i."
Use this method only if you know how to change it back to the settings that visual studio set for you when you installed it.
Please let me know if you need more help generating the dump.