Hi after I moved Typemock from 5.1 to 5.3 some of my unit tests failed.
It throws exception:
TypeMock Verification: The call to System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary.Contains() was made on an uninitialized field.
It fails on recorder.ExpectAndReturn() when I execute this test where page1 is simple aspx page:
public void Page_Load1Test()
PresentFile page1 = new PresentFile();
NameValueCollection col = new NameValueCollection();
using (RecordExpectations recorder = RecorderManager.StartRecording())
recorder.ExpectAndReturn(page1.Request.QueryString, col);
When I execute the same on ascx control is ok.
I think something is not mocked automatically on aspx page, the same is for other properties.
I use .net3.5sp1