Here’s the code I am trying to test.
Public class SomeOtherClass
public static void SomeXMethod(int param1, bool param2)
Public class BaseClass : SomeOtherClass
public int PropX
[Some complex logic to get data from database]
public class DerivedClass : BaseClass
protected DerivedClass(int Parameter1, int Parameter2)
: base(Parameter2)
This.MyValue = Parameter1;
SomeOtherClass.SomeXMethod(PropX, IsValid);
public bool IsValid
return [Gets some data from Database to check if MyValue’s value is valid];
Public int MyValue{get;set;}
Public DerivedClass StaticMethodThatCallsConstructor(int Parameter1, int Parameter2)
return new DerivedClass(Parameter1, Parameter2);
[TestMethod, VerifyMocks]
public void DerivedClassConstructorTest_ThroughPublicAccessor()
using (RecordExpectations r = RecorderManager.StartRecording())
DerivedClass mock = DerivedClass. StaticMethodThatCallsConstructor (100, 101);
r.ExpectAndReturn(mock.PropX, 10).RepeatAlways();
r.ExpectAndReturn(mock.IsValid, true).RepeatAlways();
//Actual call to the constructor
DerivedClass target = DerivedClass.StaticMethodThatCallsConstructor(100, 101);
//Some asserts to make sure assingments were properly done
All I am trying to test here is, the assignments were done properly, and for that I am mocking some properties that hit database.
I've simplified this code, so it might not make sense, but this is the scenario where, I have mocked 'this' instance for derivedclass, but even then instance properties for derivedclass are not mocked.
Here, for some reason my ‘PropX’ and ‘IsValid’ do not get mocked and test fails during the call to these properties.