The following code:
public interface ITestClass
BindingSource BindingSourceTest { get; }
public void testBindingSource()
ITestClass tc = RecorderManager.CreateMockedObject<ITestClass>();
using (RecordExpectations recorder = RecorderManager.StartRecording())
recorder.ExpectAndReturn(tc.BindingSourceTest, new BindingSource());
produces the following exception:
*** Cannot return a value for MockITestClass.get_BindingSourceTest() because no value was set. use recorder.Return().
*** Note: Cannot mock types from mscorlib assembly.
I am using Visual Studio 2005.
Also, it seems that my (newly purchased) license wants to expire 8 days from now under 2.4.1 Beta. Is this due to the fact that it is still beta and you plan on releasing another version (beta or release) within that time frame? Thanks!