I followed the guide starting from here https://www.typemock.com/docs/?book=Ipp&page=setting_up_linux.htm in order to install from command line anything required for Isolator++ on Ubuntu.
I'm using Windows 10 with Ubuntu-20.04 WSL2 subsystem.
The installation went smoothly, but after building the examples and define the environment variable LD_BIND_NOW=1, the tests execution crashes with a segfault:
/usr/share/typemock/Examples/LinuxBuild/Debug64$ ./IsolatorExamplesGCC_UsingDynamicLib
*** Typemock Isolator++ Professional (64bit) ***
Documentation: https://www.typemock.com/docs?book=Ipp
[==========] Running 72 tests from 23 test cases.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 2 tests from GlobalCMethods
[ RUN ] GlobalCMethods.FakingReturnValueOnGlobalMethod
[ OK ] GlobalCMethods.FakingReturnValueOnGlobalMethod (3 ms)
[ RUN ] GlobalCMethods.FakingMethodAndUsingRecursiveFake
[ OK ] GlobalCMethods.FakingMethodAndUsingRecursiveFake (0 ms)
[----------] 2 tests from GlobalCMethods (4 ms total)
[----------] 5 tests from ArgumentTests
[ RUN ] ArgumentTests.UsingThe_MacroForShorthand
[ OK ] ArgumentTests.UsingThe_MacroForShorthand (3 ms)
[ RUN ] ArgumentTests.UsingTheANY_VALMacroForShorthand
[ OK ] ArgumentTests.UsingTheANY_VALMacroForShorthand (36 ms)
[ RUN ] ArgumentTests.UsingTheANY_REFMacroForShorthand
[ OK ] ArgumentTests.UsingTheANY_REFMacroForShorthand (0 ms)
[ RUN ] ArgumentTests.UsingRETToSimulateReturnedValue
[ OK ] ArgumentTests.UsingRETToSimulateReturnedValue (1 ms)
[ RUN ] ArgumentTests.ValidatingArgumentInSeparateMethod
[ OK ] ArgumentTests.ValidatingArgumentInSeparateMethod (0 ms)
[----------] 5 tests from ArgumentTests (40 ms total)
[----------] 7 tests from AssertingInteraction
[ RUN ] AssertingInteraction.AssertCallWasMadeOnDependency
[ OK ] AssertingInteraction.AssertCallWasMadeOnDependency (0 ms)
[ RUN ] AssertingInteraction.AssertCallWasMadeWithSpecificArgumentsOnDependency
[ OK ] AssertingInteraction.AssertCallWasMadeWithSpecificArgumentsOnDependency (0 ms)
[ RUN ] AssertingInteraction.AssertCallWasMadeWithSpecificArgumentsOnDependencyWithPredicates
[ OK ] AssertingInteraction.AssertCallWasMadeWithSpecificArgumentsOnDependencyWithPredicates (0 ms)
[ RUN ] AssertingInteraction.AssertCallWasNotMadeOnDependency
[ OK ] AssertingInteraction.AssertCallWasNotMadeOnDependency (0 ms)
[ RUN ] AssertingInteraction.TimesCalledMethodOnDependency
[ OK ] AssertingInteraction.TimesCalledMethodOnDependency (0 ms)
[ RUN ] AssertingInteraction.WasNotCalledWithConcreteOutParam
Segmentation fault
Can you point to any direction to solve this problem?