As you may look at the follownig code, here is the scenario and my goal :
Goal :
Prevent ScratchFoot() method from being called, so we need to fake Godzilla so it deosn't call tickle()
Check if startMovie() was called.
Notes :
tickle is a virtual method and only exists in the Godzila class.
in our system under test we're calling MakeHimLaugh() method.
namespace JurassicEra
public abstract class Godzilla
public Godzilla()
// some unrelated logic
protected virtual byte[] tickle(object feather , object water)
if(feather == null)
return null;
return this.ScratchFoot(feather, water);
namespace InstagramEra
public sealed class Lizard : Godzilla
private static Lizard instance;
private static object syncRoot = new object();
public static Lizard getInstance()
if (instance == null)
lock (syncRoot)
if (instance == null)
instance = new Lizard();
return instance;
private Lizard()
public void MakeHimLaugh(object feather , object water)
Theater theater = new Comedy();
object poorLizard = this.tickle(feather, water);
*** Please save yourself and me the time to argue that why an abstract class has public constructor and other design challenges. This is my current structure and I'm only here to test it.
Secnarios :
I tried all the following scenarios, and non of them worked for me, meaning in all 3 cases tickle() was called.
what I did; I'm passing null for feather, so this method will return null so it won't get to call ScratchFoot method.
public void CheckIfMovieStarted()
var fakeGodzilla = Isolate.Fake.AllInstances<Godzilla>();
Isolate.NonPublic.WhenCalled(fakeGodzilla, "tickle").WillReturn(null);
public void CheckIfMovieStarted()
var fakeLizard = Lizard.getInstance();
Isolate.NonPublic.WhenCalled(fakeLizard, "tickle").WillReturn(null);
public void CheckIfMovieStarted()
var fakeLizard = Lizard.getInstance();
Isolate.NonPublic.WhenCalled(fakeLizard, "tickle").WillReturn(null);
Thank you