I install isolator++ for C++ 3.5 version to a windows server which is a jenkins slave. I also run configuration tool to set the license key.
When I try to run unit test from jenkins slave server within the jenkins job, then I got error:
14:20:24 ************ Typemock Isolator++ Notice *************
14:20:24 Invalid license key detected!
14:20:24 Please enter a valid license using Configration.exe
However, if I logged in to jenkins slave server and locally run the same command like in the jenkins job, then it works.
Can you please help on what I missed on the setup?
this is the commandline that I have tried to run unit tests that are using typemock:
.xxxsourceSoftwareBonusbcUTbcTestDebugbcTest.exe --gtest_output=xml:.UnitTestOutput.xml