With Isolator, VS2013 Update 5, TestDriven.Net 3.8 Beta 2, NUnit 2.6.4, Windows 7 64-bit, when I click Run Test on this empty unit test inside of an x64 C# unit test project:
Text "Unexpected error while running tests." appears in Test Navigator, and when clicked, the Typemock output window displays this:
TestRunner: Unknown Test timed out
TestRunner: Unknown Test timed out
TestRunner: Unknown Test timed out
TestRunner Error: TestRunner crashed trying to run test: ClassTests.Test [Pending]
On the same blank unit test, command TestDriven.NET.RunTests results in this output:
------ Test started: Assembly: CSharpBench.Test.dll ------
1 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, took 1.39 seconds (NUnit 2.6.4).
My Isolator settings:
Any ideas on how to fix this?