Hi Manx and welcome to our forum 8)
There are few issues here:
1. First what are you trying to test? This should be expressed by some kind of an assert statement at the end of test. Most of the times you'll want to use one assert per test which means you are testing one thing each test.
2. You should put some kind of expectation on your mocked/faked instance.
When you write:
Mock sdc = MockManager.Mock(typeof(ServerDataContext));
You are just saying "fake the next time the constructor for ServerDataContext is called". This should be followed by sdc.ExpectXXX ... method
But before I'll continue in this rout I would like to get to point 3
3. I would strongly recommend you to use the
Arrange Act Assert API
See the first tutorial
Using the AAA API will let you write shorter tests while enjoying the benefits of strong typing and the help of IntelliSens.
4. And now to the point:
From the code you posted (Again it's hard to understand as there is no Assert)
it seems like you are trying to test the ServerDataContext. In that case maybe you'll want to fake the XDocument? (Usually you don't want to fake the class under test)
Please let me know if that's correct and I'll try to help you out.