Our build server recently stopped generating code coverage reports (using NCover 2.1). Not sure if it was related to upgrade to TypeMock 5.1, but it happenned at about the same time. NCover fails to collect coverage data. Today I played with the server, trying to reinstall both products, running regsvr32 on NCover DLL and even tried applying "corflags 32BIT+" as it was suggested here and in NCover forum. Suddenly coverage was generated but all tests that require TypeMock failed complaining that TypeMock was not enabled. And then any attempt to enable it failed. I start TypeMock Isolator configuration tool, select "NCover 2.0" and click on "Link with TypeMock Isolator" button. Then if I restart configuration tool it still reports that they are unlinked offering to link them. And of course all unit tests with mocking fail.
Has anyone experienced this behavior? What can be done to fix it?
Thanks in advance.