Thanks for the reply, but the example I posted was extremely simplified. In my real world unit test, GetLastRecordedMock was returning the mock of a different class.
Since the class I am mocking is created inside a method, I can't be certain that the "Last Recorded Mock" will be for the myStruct class.
GetLastRecordedMock works nicely when you're only mocking one class, but I'm mocking a couple classes here, so I still feel the enhancement I requested would be helpful.
Also, please excuse the unfortunate name I selected for the class myStruct. As you can see in my sample code, myStruct is a class.
I did make a posting in the bug forum where I used myStruct as a struct...and your answer here tells me that its not a bug. Thanks for the clarification on how structs work, but it would be extremely helpful if they were returned by GetInstanceMocks.